Pipe insulation requires a protective layer to prevent contamination that would otherwise destroy the integrity of the insulation. The methodology of protecting insulation has changed over the years, and PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) has become an industry standard and preferred product used by insulation contractors world-wide.
Topics: Fabricated Pipe Insulation, Industiral Insulation, Jacketing systems, insulation system, PVC Jaketing
Topics: Jacketing systems, OSHA, industrial insulation, Inspection Methods, Mechanical Insulation Systems, insulation installation, OSHA Inspection, insulation properties, Weather Barrier
Insulation jacketing is an outer covering that is wrapped around tubing or pipe insulation to shield the insulation from moisture, wear, and mechanical damage. Insulation jacketing plays a vital role in the productivity and effectiveness of the mechanical insulation.
When selecting a jacketing one must consider the mechanical, chemical, thermal, and moisture conditions of the installation as well as cost and aesthetics requirement.
Topics: Jacketing systems, Mechanical Insulation Systems, PVC Jaketing, metal jacketing, Stainless Steel Jacketing, Aluminum Jacketing, Weather Barrier, Mechanical Abuse Coverings